My friends L and D were on the red line this afternoon
So we got on the L, and we sat down behind this person who's completely slumped over, head down beneath the seat slumped over. Then, across the aisle from her there's this, almost looking mentally retarded man, and he had this younger, also mentally challenged appearing person who's helping him with his things (he had bags and things, and was talking to him and it was weird). So this older guy is talking to the younger one, and how he studied all these different things like archaeology, including the Mayan ruins, like he actually went there, in college, and how it took him five years (real hard, five years) to graduate. So about this time the train stopped at the station, and we're told we'll be standing momentarily. And then the paramedics come - they have a specialized rolling chair with wheels but only on the back that reminded me of a furniture dolly because they hoisted the woman and slumped her in it. So now the older man is going on about how he's a Navy SEAL and veteran and fought in Vietnam and how Navy SEALs are the best and how he's the one that called it in, yup he's the one that called it in. So the middle paramedic just responds, yeah thanks for nothing.
So they cart the drugged woman away, and we go about another stop, and people leave the seats near the older man, the handicap reserved seats, and he puts his feet up. So now this family with like, two women and two kids get on and sit next to the crazy man's feet. And he's going on about how he's a Vietnam Vet and he has cellulitus and something else wrong with his feet and "touch my feet and I'll call the police! Go ahead try it and see what happens!" Then one of the women starts going off about how people think black people are crazy, but look at this man.
And he glared at me when I got off the train.